Hi all, this is your guest (or ghost) writer writing. I thought that since today was the first scuba diving experience perhaps I should do the blogging today.
Might as well start from the beginning ? it was another day full of activities.
Woke up, brushed our teeth and went up to the deck. In case it was not clear, this boat has many decks, and it took us 10 minutes to get to the right one. (In case it is not clear why 10 minutes, you should realize that this boat has 5 stories - or five are accessible to us, but there may be more). Anyway, we found the right one where Marina were holding a Pilates class at 7:15am. Marina is one of the guests, our hosts son's girlfriend, full of life and zest, and a Pilates teacher in training. My 9 months out of practice showed, but they show also when I do it frequently. Edna told me today that our joint Pilates class trainer in Tel Aviv told her 6 months after we started training with her, twice a week, that she believes I am beginning to understand her instructions.
Anyway, then it was breakfast time. The meals here are something else (like everything else). First, sitting at a table on a(nother) beautiful deck in perfect weather, overlooking the fantastically blue sea with the green islands between has an effect. Then the fresh baked goodies and the fresh berries and fruits, all artistically arranged has an effect as well. Service reminds you of the fanciest restaurants, and naturally they are happy to make your cappuccino, macchiato, latte the way you like it.
Then the hike. Well, I can't report on it personally (but it was lovely), as I went snorkeling (but heard it was great). We snorkeled at "The Caves", which are small and have only few fish of the shy variety, but around them are great variety of fish. Hopefully pictures will show up soon. I considered swimming back to the ship (a few hundred meters), but Jonathan (one of the crew - the crew deserves a separate blog entry) explained that he would have to shadow me with the little boat, which would slow down the other snorklers' return to the ship (believe it or not, the motor boat is faster than me). The shadowing rule is a new one that Chris the Captain made yesterday, after I swam by myself to the ship from the shore (about a kilometer) - from far away I could see he was waiting for me on the deck, and could see from his expression that both me and the entire crew of deck hands will get a lecture "this should not happen again - every swimmer must be escorted!" I guess they like us alive. So today I swam around the boat - one turn is about 3-4 laps of an Olympic swimming pool.
Next was scuba initiation. Many people have never done it and wanted to try. Naturally, the boat is equipped perfectly, not only with equipment but also with some crew members who have taught scuba diving for years. The only ones with experience are David (our host) and me. So we quickly passed and were allowed to roam free around others, but the real dive would happen after lunch.

Lunch was another festive event. Again beautifully arranged salads of large variety, a few heavier items and a fantastic desert we never had - pineapple Carpaccio in some remarkable infusion spiced with cinnamon, vanilla and a few other things I could not recognize. Another side story which fits this is that Hugo, one of the guests (who I particularly like and you'll see why) pledged to give me all his desserts, so I eat two every meal!
Finally to the scuba diving. I had trouble with masks snorkeling yesterday and today - water leaked in, yesterday despite Vaseline I smeared on my moustache and this morning despite the razor I applied to my moustache. But the 3rd mask was fine and just on time for scuba diving. We dived "The Indians", named after rocks which reminded someone of Indians for some reasons. More appropriate name would be "Some rocks", but deep around them is a really nice diving site, with plenty of coral and fish. I tried my hand in under water photography for the first time -looking at the pics this evening I believe I need some more practice, but it was great fun (Victoria, the interior manager of the yacht lends everyone her underwater camera, and so does the Captain).
Back on the yacht, we learned that we are only allowed a short (1/2 hour) at the hot tub (which is again on a deck with the same gorgeous view) as interested parties are invited to Willy T's - a bar on a rusty boat - to drink and watch the sunset. I thought again of bailing out, but Edna thought we should try it, and she was right. Everyone but me had a Pain Killer, which our captain described as "composed of Rum, Rum, and some more Rum", while I had a Virgin Pain Killer where they leave out the Rum, and so was quite sweet (they do put a cherry on it though, which they dont put on the non-virgins...). Lots of colorful characters, in various stages of sobriety were in this open-air bar, and like the sunset were fun to watch.
It may be hard to believe but we made it back for dinner. Absolutely exquisite dinner table (did I mention the flowers? The yacht is scattered with beautiful orchids and other flowers, and the dining table always has a fantastic arrangement of fresh flowers on it) waited for us, and dinner itself was as exquisite, whether you had the catfish or the beef (and despite asking every day in advance what you'd like, they bring seconds for everyone from both selections). I did get two chocolate meese (I am guessing that must be the plural of mousse), curtsey of Hugo.
I think I'd better stop as Edna is asleep already and tomorrow there must be another such day - time for digestion and rest.
Photos at https://plus.google.com/photos/115788154995936631095/albums/5722696543640757841?authkey=CJO5ob6C5o3i1gE